today this domain acts as a collective for various odds and ends, most notable of which being subcollectives for trading card games and fanlistings. eventually i'd like to get around to using this little space for shrines and the like, even, but for now it's all fun and no work
a question anybody looking may have is probably, "what the hell does gensoukai mean?" the answer, like the majority of my answers to things, is nerdy af. in the animanga yami no matsuei, there's a realm based on ancient china, a setting of eastern mythology and lore, where shikigami (gods) and other various deities and beasts live... literally in the internet. :,) considering yami no matsuei is a favorite series of mine (a special interest, see below) and gensoukai in itself is essentially an online world of adventure and wonder, i felt it a really apt place to name a domain after
along with coding and web design in itself, i have a number of interests that maintaining websites helps scratch an itch for, such as various animanga, blogging, video games, etc. to find out more about me than you probably want to, check out my personal site
this design features kurosaki nagare (my poor little meow meow) and hisoka (my precious son), from yami no matsuei. the header panel was gorgeously colored by mselmag. textures are from subtle patterns. everything was coded from scratch by myself in notepad, with local previews provided by xampp. fonts used were webfonts, with the addition of porcelain for some oomph. emoticons used in cutenews are from kao-ani
this is the first version* of gsk that's been live, so there's no design history as of yet. however, if you'd like to check out update history, take a peek over here